Morgan Class of 1987

Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Place: Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT Cost: $65 per person

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Our 20th reunion is being planned for Friday night, June 29, 2007 from 8 to 12 pm at the Waters Edge in Westbrook. We are also thinking about other events for that weekend, including a family picnic or beach day. We need to start getting contact info from people and the sooner the better. If you would like to be involved in the planning let us know. Maura McCusker Doxsee (who is local) and I are planning a reunion committee meeting for a Saturday night sometime in Oct. or Nov. I'll post the exact date once we figure that out.
I can be contacted at and I encourage everyone to correspond on this blog site and to let everyone from our class know that this blog exists. Send your contact info to me asap as well as any suggestions you may have for the reunion.
Hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to see everyone next June!
Wendy Neal Joanis


Blogger Morgan Class of 1987 said...

Hey Everybody!
Mo (Scully) Tranquilli here! This is a great idea! I will pass the word to everyone that I can! I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in June! I work for Morgan (and Eliot) now as a School Social Worker. So, if anyone wants info or wants to contact me, please do so at! Wendy - count me in on the planning committee!
~ Mo

8:52 AM  
Blogger Morgan Class of 1987 said...

Merry Christmas! I don't know if any of you remember Glen Smith. He moved away our freshman year. I works with me at the PD. He was depolyed to Iraq a few months ago and just set up an e-mail account. He would like to hear from people if you have a chanc. e-mail me for the information.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant wait

5:09 PM  

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