Morgan Class of 1987

Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Place: Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT Cost: $65 per person

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Contact info

Maura and I are going to be sending out mailings which will include the price of the reunion as well as a questionnaire and an envelope to return with payment for tickets. We will need to start collecting money asap. We have a bank account set up in Clinton and we have just set up a PO Box at the Clinton Post office that Maura will be checking on regularly. Please, even if you have already done so, email me directly with the address you want this mailing sent to. Also, whoever else you may have contact info for, resend that info as well at your earliest convenience. Since the creation of this blog, my email address changed and I'm afraid I might have lost contact info in the shuffle. So, again, please resend your contact info to now!


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