Morgan Class of 1987

Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Place: Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT Cost: $65 per person

Thursday, June 28, 2007

NO GOLF - Sorry

Hi All,

We could not even fill a 4-some, so the reservations have been canceled. So, no golf on Fri 6/29 morning, instead see you in the evening.



Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Responses Continue To Come In

Received checks from Lisa Cicoli, Andrea Catalano, Greg Maher and Paul Neuman this week. I've also heard from Casey Yerman and Art Kuever and they've both said they will be there. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can have cocktails outside. Be sure to check in at our table when you arrive Friday night so you can get your name tag and drink tickets. A table will be set up outside during the cocktail hour and another at the entrance to the Salon Ballroom for those who arrive later. We are looking forward to a great night!

Monday, June 25, 2007

teachers coming

I think most of us know that Carole Fisher will be attending the reunion. In addition, I just got off the phone with Olga Mussachio (also a foreign language teacher) and she is definitely coming as well. Maureen works at Morgan and she says there are a handful of other teachers that plan on stopping by too!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

More RSVP's

Just received a check from Kirby Cummings, he and his wife will be there Friday. Andrea Catalano is also thinking of coming now. It's not too late, just let me or Wendy know ASAP.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Drink ticket clarification

Drink tickets can be used for the cocktail of your choice...from soda, beer, wine, martinis, mixed whatever. Sound good?

Just heard from a few more

The responses continue to come in. It's not too late, just let me know ASAP if you or anyone else is planning on coming. I received checks from Kim Buhler, Deb Milliken and Patti Houle. Can't wait to see everyone.


Drink Tickets!

So we're one week away and based on the great turnout we're having we will be providing drink tickets to everyone, as well as additional passed hors doeurves throughout the happy hour!!! Your drink tickets will be good for the entire evening and can only be used at the bar provided for our event. They are not good for the other bars throughout the Waters Edge property and must be used during the reunion, either out in the garden during cocktail hour or in the salon ballroom during dinner and dancing. When you check in at one of our registration tables, we will give you your tickets.
So excited,

Clinton Town Beach

The large pavilion at Clinton Town Beach is still reserved for Saturday, 6/30/07. Quite a few of our classmates have decided to utilize this spot for a casual get-together. The pavilion will be reserved from 11 to 3. If you have other plans for that day or if you don't, please feel free to stop by. There are grills, pack something to grill and maybe something to share. The new beach concession, Hazy Daze, managed by Shelley's husband, also has lots to offer and will be open if you prefer to buy something while you're there. When you get to the gate, just tell the guard that you are with the Morgan Class of '87 so you will not have to pay a fee. "Curious Creatures" will be there to entertain the kids (and maybe some of the adults)!!! There is also a new, large playground for the kids!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Hey Everyone! I finally finished setting up our scholarship fund through Outward Bound. The name was changed to reflect the recent passing of Paul and so we can continue to support the memory of our classmates in the future. I'm confident that we all can support the fund. Hopefully we can send one student from Morgan per year to the Outward Bound for a week. You can now donate online, by mail, by phone, using checks, credit cards etc. I will be collecting and forwarding donations the night of the reunion also. If anyone has an interest in being on the review committee to select the applications that go to Outward Bound, please let me know. Again here is the weblink to Outward Bound if you are not familiar with the program:
Below is the official information!-----Ginger


Morgan High School Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship

The Morgan High School Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship supports students of Morgan High School in Clinton, CT with annual gifts through the Outward Bound Scholarship Program. The Fund will provide partial/full tuition awards to students for week-long courses. Candidates will be selected by Morgan High School representatives based on merit, with a preference for students with financial need. Outward Bound will coordinate with Morgan staff to ensure students have a successful course experience.

Each year, Outward Bound directs $5 million in scholarship support to more than 5,000 students from all walks of life. We award scholarships to individuals and groups based on need and merit. Working with students from diverse communities, our goals are to explore our differences as our greatest strengths and to return our students to their communities with greater knowledge of themselves and the world around them.

Outward Bound relates the metaphors of challenge within the wilderness, urban and school settings to those within daily life. Stretching beyond their comfort zones, into places of great learning, students develop trust within their team of strangers, compassion and calmness within themselves, and perspective in examining their experiences and personal opportunities to grow.

Outward Bound is honored to receive the Morgan High School Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship Fund and will direct the gift to support tuition and other costs associated with the course experience. Donors will receive program results and student letters annually at the end of the course season.

Gifts to the Morgan High School Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship Fund should be written to Outward Bound and mailed to:

M&T Bank
P.O. Box 62161
Baltimore, MD 21264-2161

To make a donation to the Fund online please visit: and follow the Donate Now prompts. Please make a note of the designation of your gift to the Morgan High School Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship.

To contact Outward Bound support staff:
Lisa Mattis
Director, Scholarship Program
Phone: 845-424-4000 x237

Thank you for supporting Outward Bound Scholarship Program students.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The resoponses continue to come in. Here's the latest as of Tuesday though I've since been in touch with Lisa Cicoli, Kim Buhler, Deb Milliken, Kirby Cummings, Cherise Gambardella, Art Kuever, Patti Houle & Dawn Royea all of whom said they will be attending. I've also heard of some who are still planning on attending but haven't paid or been in touch - Greg Maher? Paul Neuman? Please let us know if you are coming so we can give Waters Edge an accurate number. If you see anyone who is still on the fence encourage them to come. I think it will be a lot of fun reconnecting with old friends. In addition, Kim has put together a great slideshow with all the pictures posted as well as many more. Here's who you can expect to see...

Kristin Bogart
Ron Boisvert
Steven Bugg
Kim Buhler
Peter Christopher
Deb Cieri
Chris Corarito
Cyndi Cote
Shelley Cunningham
Brian Dalton
Lynn D’Amato
Diana Dart
Beth Davis
Amy Duenkel
Corneilous Dunn
Carol Falconer
Donna Fiorentino
Dan Flynn
John Gallagher
John Galligan
Angie Gibbons
Jim Greider
Jeff Hall
Debbie Harris
Sally Hawley
Melissa Henry
Sheryl Hollifield
Patti Houle
Paul Irvine
John Izzo
Mark Jenkins
Robert "George" Jenkins
Michael Joanis
Colleen Kennedy
Jessie Kiefer
Jennifer Lankarge
Jeff Mangler
Pam Marsden
Raymond Martin
Dan May
Maura McCusker
Robert McLeod
Tricia Mezzetti
Scott Miller
Debra Milliken
Rhett Moody
Lance Nardi
Wendy Neal
Artie Novarro
Liz O’Connell
Laurie O'Connor
Bryan Pellegrini
Ginger Ramos
Gayle Romano
Kim Ruggiero
Jackie Schoen
Maureen Scully
Roseanne Simoncini
Todd Steward
Emmett Sullivan
Steven Suraci
Kevin Sweet
Nigel Wolfe
Suzanne Wood
Esther Woodbridge

Contact me if you have any questions or you know of anyone else planning on attending.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Just two more weeks! Today we got an rsvp from Angie Gibbons and she's coming!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Reunion is less than 3 weeks away...

It's difficult to post following the news about Paul. I am sure that the thoughts and prayers of all Paul's former classmates are with Debra and Amy. He will surely be remembered on June 29th.

We're supposed to give our final count to the Waters Edge on June 22nd and we'd like to be as close to that number as possible. We still have a good handful of people that we haven't heard from that we're hoping we'll see at the reunion. We just got rsvps from Jackie Schoen and George Jenkins and they'll be making it :)
Also, we're in touch with our DJ and if you have any song requests, we need those now. Send emails to or
Thanks everyone.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Services for Paul Duenkel

For those who have inquired....Calling hours will be held at Swan Funeral Home at 80 East Main Street in Clinton on Sunday, June 10th from 3-6pm. Funeral services will be held on Monday, June 11th at 10am at Swan Funeral Home as well.

Here's the Latest

Heard from a few more people this week. There's still time to respond. Remember, $65pp and mail it to Morgan Class of 1987, P.O. Box 876, Killingworth, CT 06419

Kristin Bogart
Ron Boisvert
Steven Bugg
Peter Christopher
Deb Cieri
Chris Corarito
Cyndi Cote
Shelley Cunningham
Brian Dalton
Lynn D’Amato
Diana Dart
Beth Davis
Amy Duenkel
Corneilous Dunn
Carol Falconer
Donna Fiorentino
John Galligan
Jim Greider
Jeff Hall
Debbie Harris
Sally Hawley
Melissa Henry
Paul Irvine
John Izzo
Mark Jenkins
Robert "George" Jenkins
Colleen Kennedy
Jessie Kiefer
Jennifer Lankarge
Jeff Mangler
Pam Marsden
Raymond Martin
Dan May
Maura McCusker
Robert McLeod
Tricia Mezzetti
Scott Miller
Rhett Moody
Lance Nardi
Wendy Neal
Artie Novarro
Liz O’Connell
Laurie O'Connor
Bryan Pellegrini
Ginger Ramos
Gayle Romano
Kim Ruggiero
Jackie Schoen
Maureen Scully
Roseanne Simoncini
Todd Steward
Emmett Sullivan
Kevin Sweet
Nigel Wolfe
Esther Woodbridge

Hope to hear from more of you in the next week.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Paul Duenkel

There is no easy way to do this. I spoke with Debbie Milliken today, her and Paul have a 17 year old daughter together, I promised her I would tell our class and the people who knew him that Paul has passed away.
My heart goes out to his Parents, Sisters & daughter. He was living here in CT and as soon as his family is able to make arrangements I will be sure to send that along.

Monday, June 04, 2007

I added more names

I heard from a few more people. Scroll down and see who else is coming. I'll continue to update the list as I hear from people. There are still quite a few who have said they are coming but haven't paid yet. If you haven't paid you're not on the list. Don't forget to send a check, $65 per person to P.O. Box 876, Killingworth, CT 06419