Hello Everyone – Steve Suraci

After Xavier, I attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA and got a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I met my wife Myra, a red-headed Italian from “Woosta”, in October of my senior year. We were engaged in February and married in August right after I graduated. We left the day after our wedding for our honeymoon to Florida and ended up staying for three years. We moved up here to NH when our first was on the way in 1994. We wanted to be closer to home but not too close! We’ve been here ever since. We have two children: Edward was just twelve on New Years and Natalia is nine. That’s them in the picture this summer.
My parents and Grandmother still live in Clinton but we typically only make it there once or twice a year. We live in Newton, NH and my brother lives outside of Boston so typically my parents make the round trip up here for visits. They seem to have more time for such things these days then we do. My Dad continued to coach football up until just a couple years ago. He retired after his 25th season. He keeps himself busy these days working at Shore TV and my Grandmother works part-time at Stop and Shop.
I’ve had a few jobs over the years. All have been in the same field and each ended pretty much the same way. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t seem to always see eye-to-eye with my employers. That Italian thing works against me a little. It seems that I have always found an opportunity let them know how I really feel! About nine years ago I decided I had had enough of working for someone else and decided to give doing it my way a try. It was a little bit of a tough go early but now it has grown to the point were I can start to enjoy the good side of management, like delegating on Fridays! I might even try to work out retiring more sooner then later.
I am glad to see that all of us collectively seem to be doing well. I hope I can swing the trip back to Clinton for the reunion. If this blog is any kind of indication the reunion will be something else. If anyone wants to email directly you can do that at ssuraci@tiac.net.
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