Hi everyone. Some of us classmates have joined efforts to form a running team to compete in the Need for Speed Relay on June 10th to benefit the Avon foundation combating domestic violence against kids.
As part of this effort we are tasked with fundraising for the charity and I'd like to ask any of you if you could make a donation, even something as small as $1, is greatly appreciated. This is the website for the event:
http://relay.avonfoundation.org/site/PageServer?pagename=relay_homeIf any of you would like to volunteer, donate or just give us any support at all, please post here or email me at
dmay7158@yahoo.com, and I'll let you know what to do. Any and all help is needed.
Morgan 1987 classmates involved are:
Pam (Marsden) Evankow
Nigel Wolfe
Daniel May
(along with several other great individuals not associated with Morgan).
So please, if you can in any way, help out the team and this great cause! Thanks.