Bless our "Significant others"
Did we warn them what they were getting into??? I had almost forgotten how we ALL just brutally flirt with each other!!! Girls & boys... (Sheryl - thanks for those Breasts!!!)
What a Fantastic night! Even having people try to crash our party (You stop 'em Jimmy!) It felt like 1987 wasn't all that long ago. I wish I made it to the picnics, 1 nite wasn't enough!! I can see how Gayle (who hasn't aged a day) would forget she wasn't out with Bon Jovi - no offense George!!! Our class has always been great at having a good time! We just picked up were we left off!
Of Course I took some pictures... I wouldn't be me with out sticking a flash in your face at parties & as usual I am saving the good ones for black mail... (except this one)
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