Wendy..if you need a DJ..i know a great one..he might hook me up as a favor..He owes me. Pete
Morgan Class of 1987
Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Place: Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT Cost: $65 per person
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Morgan Class of 1987
Morgan Class of 1987
oops I forgot...my email ..if anyone would like to contact me is
Morgan Class of 1987
Morgan Class of 1987
Ok..first of all..it's not Herm anymore...it's Pete..ty :). I haven't hear that in about 15 years though..so it was humorous. I live in Higganum, been there for about 5 years. I'm married to Jen Lankarge ('87). We have a wonderful son Declan (I know..it's the coolest name). He's 2 1/2 and as those of you with toddlers know..is just non-stop. I'm a Chef..I have been doing this for about 18 years. (little side note..I don't think I'm allowed on property at the Water's Edge.long story..hahaha). Currently I'm at the Inn at Middletown, The Tavern at the Armory. So..you local folks should come up and visit. (blatant pandering for business).
I'm the Sous Chef there. Jen works for a dental alloy company in North Haven. We spent a few years in the Carribean on the island of St Croix. I honestly can't wait to see everyone.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Paging Mr. Christopher
I tracked down Pete Christopher (Herm) by way of myspace.com. Hopefully he'll be checking in here soon. He's a Chef in Middletown and lives locally.
I also started a group on myspace to supplement this one. Feel free to join.
-Dan M
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Some info on the Lurkers
Hello fellow classmates...Deb Cieri-Munster here. It sure has been amusing to see Roseanne's pictures going up on this site, but I felt I needed to step in when she mentioned Rhett being married to Kim!! Rhett Moody and Kris Bogart are married and happy and living in Hamden. Bob Brown is also married and happy and living in Guilford. Danielle Coates flits in and out of our lives from time to time. At this point she is out and we have no idea where she is hiding. Robin (Chrostowski) Munster is now my sister-in-law and her and her husband are expecting their first baby ( a girl!!) any day now! I am on my second and much happier marriage, although the last name sure leaves alot to be desired. If you want to know what I've been doing since the last reunion, you can go to www.soundbodyct.com. As for everyone else, your guess is as good as mine...
Best of luck!
Where are.......???
Bob Brown, Kim Wagner, Danielle Coates, Kirby Cummings, just to name a few. Is seems like there are so many people missing. Is everyone spreading the word. I know Rhett and Kim got married and are living in Clinton.......I haven't seen them on here.....
Monday, November 27, 2006
Look at those faces!

I know there are alot of lurkers out there.....Kris Bogart, Rhett, Jeff Hall, Robin C., Debbie Cieri, Carol F., Kim (Buhler). Let's see some updates guys!! Hope you are all doing well!
As for the picture....just wanted to make you all laugh! Gotta luv Kirby and Rob!
Let's see some more pics everyone!
I'll be posting soon to ask for information from everyone for a booklet we will be putting together for the reunion.....stay tuned!
~Rose Ann
Pictures of some of our lurkers...

It was so fun to get together with Jackie, Carol, Barb, and Kim!
Carol and Kim....you better post a message or I'll post for you! ;)
Anyway, we had lots of fun. Jackie and I brought our kids
The ones on the left are mine, and the cute little girl with her arms around her little brother are two of Jackie's.
~Rose Ann
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Dan May
Hi everyone. Hope you're all well. Seems like everyone is getting along well in life. I posted my info elsewhere under an anonymous comment because I screwed up the username and all. What else is new? Anyway my email is dmay7158@yahoo.com. I took a look at the whole Water's Edge thing and it doesn't sound too bad. The price is actually pretty fair (Most places like this run anywhere from $75-$90 per plate and Friday night is the most expensive night to hold an event, so these prices are pretty good). Anyway I want to thank everyone who's been doing work to put this together and if I can help in any way please let me know.
I am currently living in Danbury, CT. I am a divorced father of two great kids who reside with me. I am also engaged to a wonderful woman who I have been with for almost two years now. I have been employed as an air traffic controller for about 18 years now. I spent 15 years in the Navy (12 active duty, 3 reserve). I now work for Sikorsky Aircraft Corp in Stratford, CT. I am involved heavily with my kids activities which have included softball, cheerleading, color guard, school musicals and special olympics. I have been coaching Pop Warner football in Danbury for 4 years now as well (www.eteamz.com/dayotrojans). I look forward to seeing you all.
Water's Edge

Here are a few more pictures from our night at Water's Edge. It was great to see everyone. I think we got some good ideas of things we need to do for June. I know Wendy's been in touch with a few people about nametags, slideshows, books with people's info in it and items to be raffled. If anyone else has some suggestions please send them our way.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Mini Reunion

Here are some pictures from Water's Edge tonight. It was so nice to see everyone....you all looked fabulous! We crashed in on the other reunions, and got some helpful information...I'll let someone else fill in some of those details.
The first is of Barb, Rose Ann and Jim.
Second is Maura, Wendy, Kim, Rose Ann, Barb
Third is (part of) Shelley, Maura, Wendy, Kim and Rose Ann.
Gayle Romano was also there, and Linda Rand was at one of the reunions.
I know others took more photos, but these are the only 3 on my camera.
I think the reunion is going to be so much fun. Hopefully more people will post some updates on themselves! Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!
Take Care!
Rose Ann
Monday, November 20, 2006
Kimberly (Ruggiero) Inglis
Hello! Kim (Ruggiero) here and yes, I did post a while back. As Maureen mentioned, we are planning a Family Picnic at the Clinton Town Beach on Saturday, June 30th. We are currently entertaining a few ideas....a clam bake, DJ/Music, children's games/activities, Curious Creatures (small animal show) etc. If anyone has any other suggestions, or is interested in helping us out, please send me or Maureen an e-mail. My home e-mail address is inglisfamily@sbcglobal.net. As Wendy gathers names and addresses, we may be contacting you to find out if you will be attending this event and if you will be bringing your children. If so, we'll need the ages of your children so we can plan some age appropriate activities for everyone. We're looking to make this a fun and memorable event for the whole family. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Getting together on Friday, Nov. 24th
Just a reminder that some of us have decided to meet at the bar at Water's Edge this Friday night at about 9 o'clock. We decided to do this because people are around for the holiday and also because there are 3 other high school reunions going on that night (including Hand, class of 1986). We're going to do a little spying.
Also, who has posted the last two posts? Loved the pictures! Please sign your name.
In the last post, I agree that many people have yet to say hello on this blog and we need to get them connected. Of the names listed, Kim Ruggerio was a question and she did post a while back. You need to move through the archives and you'll find it. So guys if you're out there, tell us!!!
Hope to see you Friday!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Where on earth is...
Kim Wagner?
Kim Ruggerio?
Bobby Valenti?
Pete Terenzio?
Sue St. Pierre?
Lisa Spezziale?
Doug Semple?
Gayle Romano?
There are so many others we haven't heard from yet...
Some one must know how to get in touch with everyone even for just a role call????
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Rose Ann,
Wow I miss NE! I'll be home 22-27 Nov. My brother and I always run the Turkey Trot in Madison. My email address is bike4rate@bellsouth.net
You see you guys when I get in :) I'll have to remember to bring in the pic from the 10 yr reunion, and the one from HS. Hairstyles have changes!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thank you for the birthday wishes! As some of you know (most of you not yet), 38 is such an exciting number! Not! Well, we're only as old as we feel. Some days that's 90 and others it's early 20's!!!
Kim and I are working on the Saturday family picnic at the town beach! Thank you, Kim, for reserving the pavilion for that day! Please post any suggestions you have or e-mail me at either mtranquilli@clintonpublic.org or Reena68@aol.com . Also, it would be great to know who is interested in bringing their kids for the weekend or for that day. I think it could be a real fun, low-key day!
Send me your thoughts!
~ Mo
Monday, November 06, 2006
So the meeting didn't quite happen b/c very few were going to be able to make it. Even so... Maura, myself and Mopo have had some correspondence via phone/email and we think we're in pretty good shape. We did decide that we'd like to try to get together over at Water's Edge on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the bar. On that night, Hand's class of 86 is having their 20th reunion. We thought we'd try to peek in, as well as discuss our own upcoming reunion. If anyone would like to join us, we'll see you there. Should be fun!
At this point the following things are set up:
-reunion scheduled for Fri., June 29th, 8-12, Water's Edge
(will include buffet and dj, still working on pricing)
-Sat., June 30th Mopo and Kim are working on a family picnic at the town beach pavilion (hotdogs, hamburgers, maybe clambake, games, music)
-either Friday afternoon or early Sat. or Sun. morning, Steven Bugg and Corny are organizing golf foursomes/tournament
Other things to think about...
We need things to personalize the reunion, we need pics/collages to display in the room. Everyone can help out with this as we all have different pictures from our years at Morgan. Start making collages and bring them on that Friday and we'll set them up around the room, yes?
Also, maybe a casino night on Saturday? Brunch on Sunday? Or will we have had enough of one another?
Chime in with your thoughts.
And again, please let everyone know that this blog exists and get them to say hi. Keep posting and including your pictures. I have heard from so many people that they are really enjoying reading up on everyone.
Happy bday Mopo!
Wendy :)))
Happy Belated Birthday Mo!!
Just wanted to say Happy Belated Birthday to Maureen! Hope you had a super duper fantabulous day!!
How did the meeting go on Saturday?
I was in New Hampshire all last week. Even had some snow on Halloween....I dont think I've ever seen snow on Halloween before...so weird!
All week I was joking about the "Moose Crossing" signs, how they must be a gimmick for tourists, because we go there every fall, and havent seen any in the past 12yrs of going up there.
Well, Friday, we were driving through the mountains...and we ended up seeing 6 of them!!! Holy smokes....they were so beautiful, just standing on the side of the road...I could have stared at them for hours! But then it started getting dark, and I had enough....I didnt want one running out in front of us on these mountain roads.
Anyway, just wanted to wish Maureen a Happy Day, and read up on the new updates!
PS- Barb....send me an email so I have your email...I think I must have an old one of yours!
Take Care!
Rose Ann :)