Hi from Mike Fitzgerald

Hi Morgan Class of 87! I saw Danny Flynn yesterday and he told me about your reunion and your blogs. I enjoyed reading about you all over coffee this morning. It brought back a lot of old memories and happy thoughts. By the time I was done reading, my coffee cup was empty and I had a huge smile on my face. Yes I went to Xavier, but in a way I always felt a part of your class....About me, I live and work in Portland, CT. Yes, there is a Portland in CT! I'm still a letter carrier for the postal service, 18 years now. I'm recently divorced, and live alone with my dog Guinness. Still play golf whenever I can! My parents still live in Clinton, so I'm down there quite a bit. My recent life experiences have taught me a thing or two. Life is short, and it never really seems to work out as you plan. That's why I didn't want to miss this opportunity to say hi, and maybe reconnect with some old friends! I've thought about many of you over the years. Thanks for sharing your blogs and photos! If anyone would like to get in touch with me, my email is michaelfitz73@comcast.net. Thanks again for the coffee and the smile!
Mike Fitzgerald
SO great to hear from you!! How come you get skinnier as the years go by? You and Wendy Neal that is!! Well be glad you don't live here as it was minus 12 this morning! I hope you can join us!
I posted earlier with pictures of my handsome three boys:)
Hello Michael,
It's great to hear from you and see you on the blog!
I would love to touch base some time.
Hey Fitz ~
How are you? Long time no see! I hope you are planning to come to the reunion! It would be great to catch up with you. I posted a long time ago (September). Not sure if you went that far back with the blog. I hope you are well! Talk to you soon!
~ Mo (Scully) Tranquilli
Hey Mike,
Good to hear from you. I remember you and your younger brother Tom. Didn't you also play Park and Rec soccer?
Hey Mike,
So great to hear from you! Like Mo, I posted a long time ago (October), but it has been so great to see and hear about everyone! Some of the pictures are a little scary, but it's been fun to see where everyone is in life!
Hope to see you in June.
Beth (Davis) Kelly
You're looking good, buddy! I bet you're sorry you entered the email ring of fire, eh! HAHA
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