I have never "blogged" before, so this is a new experience...
Can anybody guess who is in this picture? (hint: 1985 ~ 20 yr class reunion)... Of course I crashed! It was a blast! (Tim Driscoll, Me, John Schoen & Ruel Whitcomb)
I told Wendy I'd help love to help her plan our reunion, I know the time & place are set, but what ever else she needs to make it a great time for everybody... I am pretty busy but my hours can be flexible ~ with 4 kids & a restaurant, it stays pretty crazy...

My other children are Alexina (13-in red), Sabrina (7 in pink) & Nicolo (4- & affectionately final) These pictures don't do them justice...
I know a lot of people (including myself) are having trouble with the chosen date & place of the reunion, but hopefully we will be able to work something out so as many people as possible can come. I'd love to keep contact with every one (jacquelina26@sbcglobal.net). We have always had so much fun together as a class.
Look forward to hearing from everyone,
Jacqueline Cacace (Jackie Schoen)
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