Nigel Wolfe

Hi Everyone,
Man I can not believe it has been 20 years already. That just doesn't seem really possible that it has been that long. I have to say that this is a first for me doing a blog so hopefully this works properly.
Well my life has been pretty boring I guess personally wise, not married and no children but have an adorable little nephew that I plan on spoiling completely rotten.
I think it is very ironic that we are going to be having our 20 year reunion at the same place we had our senior prom. Wow that should definitely provide a lot of flash backs. At least this time we won't be in tuxedo's and gowns.
I am currently living up in Massachusetts after floating around the eastern seaboard from Delaware to Florida to Maine (What was I thinking talk about going from one extreme to another) and finally decided to make the move to be closer to family and ended up in Massachusetts.
Well if there is anything I can do to help out with the reunion please let me know I will do my best to help out anyway I can. My email address is
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