Hi from Maryland

Hi Everyone –
It’s Laurie O’Connor Barclay. I also want to thank Wendy and the rest of the group that are starting the ball rolling for our 20th. With everyone’s busy schedules, I know that they have taken on a big responsibility. I think that the Water’s Edge is a nice choice – something a little special to celebrate such a big milestone in our lives.
Everyone has really valid points and great ideas. Why don’t we use them to put the rest of the weekend together so that everyone gets what they want out of it. Let’s not let these differences of opinion get in the way of having a great event and more importantly, seeing each other after all of these years. It’s hard to believe that 20 years have gone by!
So about me now…I live in Takoma Park, Maryland, outside of DC, with my husband Rich, and our daughter Marin (22 months). After 12 years in business and the last 8 with a busy software company, I now stay home with Marin and am having great fun. I can be reached at lbarclay@rcn.com. and look forward to reconnecting with everyone.
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