Does anyone remember a time capsule???
Hi Everyone,
A couple of people emailed that they vaguely remember a time capsule at Eliot. Personally I have no memory of it, but that doesn't mean much. We've been looking into it and would love input if anyone remembers who might have been involved, teachers, students, ANYTHING??? Also...Don't forget to respond to the reunion invite. To date we have about 70 people who have responded to the mailing. Please let us know if you plan on attending the reunion. If you know that you are or are not coming please let us know so we can plan accordingly.
There is a time capsule buried in front of Eliot. It is dated 1984-2084. I believe that we left Eliot in 1983. So, I am not sure if it belongs to us. I am trying to ask around here (of our teachers), but am not having much luck. I am going to keep trying. Either way, I was informed that it won't be dug up until 2084. So, if anyone knows who else I can ask, please let me know. Maybe Mr. Snow (he was the assistant principal then and is still around the area).
~ Mo (Scully)
Mo, We'll all be dead by 2084. LOL Well, maybe not myself, since I'm on a strict diet of buffalo scrotum and garlic tea. It would be kinda neet to see if the capsule really is buried there. A lot of memories would be "unearthed" if it really was true. By the way, I heard a rumor that Jim Grieders olympic sized pool has just been finished and we're all invited for a swim after the reunion. Art Novarro
you just open the door for far to many comments~ I'm afraid to publish them!!! You still have your speedo? I'll meet you at Jimmy's pool...
Jackie, I give a whole new definition to banana hammock! Aren't those little bananas called plantanes? Just thinking of myself being in a speedo makes me sick!
Talked to Mike Ruggerio today. He has no memory of the capsule. I'm going to call my brother Greg tonight and see if he remembers doing the time capsule while he was in eight grade.
Chairman of the Afterparty, Art Novarro...
You better tell Jimmy we're coming!!!
Chairman of the afterparty??? HMMM, haven't used that one yet, but I like it. Jim has been known to throw some pretty crazy parties.
Bring a sheep for a date, worm picking, playing darts with used hypodermic needles, and aim for the dog "jarts" have been just a few parties that he's thrown. Ya never know what he may have up his sleeve for this one? Yeah, I'm an idiot, I realize this, but it's all in good fun. Thanks, Archbishop Novarro
I talked to my brother and he can't remember a time capsule. He told me to ask Tracey Leary. He thought se may know. So, the next time any of us is at Stop & Shop, ( she's a pharmacist there ), maybe one of us could ask her. thanks Queen Art Novarro
Let me check around Eliot one more time. I heard it had to be dug up twice not too long ago. I will see if I can find any information.
Mo, you stay on it girl! We're gunning for ya! I think they widened the dirveway in front of the school when the addition was added? Thus, removing a tree, and maybe, the capsule that was buried next to it. Aw hell I don't know, I have just faint memories of the capsule thing anyway. Odds have it, the capsule probably isn't ours anyway! But it surely doesn't hurt trying to figure it out. Mayor, Art Novarro
Artie ~
It was dug up and apparently it is the "size of a volkswagon". I was told "it will not be dug up again". I am going to ask the superintendent if he has any information on it. Stay tuned....
~ Mo
MO, If in fact the capsule is ours, I beleive I can get the town to dig it up for us. As a matter of fact, I'm 99% sure I can get it done. It would be quite embarrasing if it wasn't ours, so try to make sure we really do "own" it. Sorry to put all the burden on you. Did I spell embarrasing correctly? Pastor Art Novarro P.S. saw your mom at the dentist's office last week, she looks great!
Artie ~
I'm trying here, but I am not having much luck! The superintendent didn't have anymore information. Mr. Quinn (remember him?) told me that he believes it is either from 1983 or 1985. I can't get any solid confirmation that it belongs to us. Sorry! I was told also that one of the old shop teachers welded it and it is encased in concrete (that is why it is so large). You'd think someone somewhere would have a little piece of paper stating what the hell is under there! Oh well! See you soon!
Mo, I was told the same thing. It's encased in concrete and is quite large. Why don't we put this to rest and look forward to the reunion. Thnak you so much for putting all the time and effort into this. Thanks, Art Novarro R.N.
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