Hi Everyone! It's Liz (O'Connell) and Scott Miller. You won't have any trouble recognizing me at the reunion because I haven't changed my hairstyle in 20 years! Scott, however looks nothing like his yearbook photo. We have one son named Travis age 6. We live in Westbrook in the woods. If everyone wants to be super cheap, I can burn a bonfire and pass around a bottle of Blackberry brandy old school! Seriously, we are looking forward to a great time at Water's Edge thank you for all your hard work! email me at lizdiz3@yahoo.com
Morgan Class of 1987
Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Place: Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT Cost: $65 per person
Saturday, September 30, 2006
About the Waters Edge
I know there are some of you that aren't thrilled with the chosen spot for our reunion. And I know that there are also many that are. In this situation it's very hard to please everyone. Your class officers and a handful of other classmates gave suggestions and looked into places, comparing costs, availabilty, location etc. Eventually I pulled the trigger on the Waters Edge, signed a contract and put down money to secure a date and place for this reunion. I wanted to ensure that the ball got rolling and that people would have adequate time to plan. I've spent a lot of time trying to coordinate this event already and I'm trying very hard to work on costs. As far as cost is concerned, there are still many variables, one of the most important being the number of people that will actually attend. The more people we can plan on, the cheaper we can make the price.
Please help to make our reunion great by keeping positive and accepting the date and location as they are. As I said, a contract and deposit have already been received so please help us to go forward from here.
We'll be having a meeting shortly and I'll post on the blog and encourage all of you to attend that meeting. There's still so much planning to do and we have other events to talk about for that weekend as well.
Debra Milliken-Martin
Lets try this again....Hi all. This is Debbie Milliken AKA Debra Milliken-Martin now. I have two amazingly beautiful daughters, Malyssa age 16 and Tera age 10. They are both heavily involved in Competitive Cheerleading like on ESPN and they travel around the country competing. The girls didn't fall from the tree with the gymnastics thing! My world revolves around my daughters. I have a Bachelors Degree from Arizona State University which is also where I live. I have lived in AZ since 1991. I have only been back to Clinton a few times since moving here. Just in time to see that there is a mall and a vineyard not far from Morgan. Crazy how much it has grown. I was also lucky enough to eat, drink and be merry at Jackie's restaurant. It is absolutely amazing, for those of you that live locally you should become a regular. For those of you from out of town you have to make a point of trying Jackie and her husband Larry's restaurant La Vita Gustosa! It is directly across from the Good Speed Opera house in East Haddam. http://www.lavitagustosa.com/ I am so proud of her! Besides that, I miss the change of seasons, the East Coast, the cold winters, etc. I am not sure if I will be attending the reunion yet, but am hoping too. If any of you would like to reach me, my email is happyheartdlm@hotmail.com. Hope everyone's lives turned out as they had hoped. Are there any other local business owners from the Class of 1987? I would love to visit your establishments if I am able to make it to Clinton in June.
From Archie...
Hey ladies and gentlemen,
I just found out about this blog from Jackie, it is a nice way for everyone to catch up a little before the big day. I must agree with Corny, but I have to loose around 100 pounds and seeing how I was going bald while at Morgan, I won't even go there.
I graduated from Bryant in 94 and built a house and married Sheila and had identical twin girls in 2001. I left my real programming job in 2002 and opened Malone's Coffee House in the old library in town. So from time to time I see some people from class, ie, Mangler for who ever was looking for him. Sheila and I added another girl in July 2006, so I now live with 5 women - mother in law included, hence the big shed with electricty and cable just completed this spring.
So much for history. Water's edge is nice, has anyone considered either of the casino's? they may be able to provide a better priced buffet and room rates giving that some of the graduates may pay for it at the tables. They are only 1/2 - 1 hour from Clinton and by the looks of this blog most people have to travel anyway. Or maybe the country club either clinton or foxhopyard. just some suggestions.
I think we should get a couple of different ideas to compare with the monopoly that Water's Edge has on the shoreline. It doesn't matter where we go, the scallop wrapped bacon is most likely coming off a Sysco food truck anyway.
nice to see so many of the class married and with children, which brings me to Jimmy Greider and his new son... I will be moving out of Clinton in approximately 10 years to try and save my daughters from little jimmy...just kidding.
Friday, September 29, 2006

Hello Fellow Classmates ~
It's me, Mo! I felt an "official blog" was necessary...photos and all! I am having a lot of fun reading all of the blogs! I think we are all going to have a lot of fun in June! Hopefully there will be something for everyone that weekend!
So, I am back at Morgan (and Eliot) as a school social worker. My students often laugh that I am back at this place (they have other colorful words for it)! They also think I am pretty old which is fantastic! It is kind of cool to be back in these halls. Some of our teachers are still here (I am pretty sure that I make them feel old).
I live in North Branford with my husband, Ed and our two boys Nicholas (3) and Nathan (1). Ed and I have been married for almost 8 years. We met at Chips' Pub III while I was waitressing my way through grad school. He was the head chef...and yes, still cooks at home even though he has switched careers (electrician)!
Let's keep this reunion positive so it is fun! Money is tight in my house, too! Like I said, hopefully there will be something for everyone that weekend. I am excited to plan the main event as well as some picnic-like events for the weekend. Encourage everyone to check in! I would love to hear from all of you!
Take care and see you soon ~ Mo
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Waters Edge
I've been on the phone with the Waters Edge throughout the day today and they are being very accommodating. I explained to the coordinator that some were having trouble with the expense of everything and asked if we could find a way to modify the menu. I am guessing everyone is probably okay with their cheapest dinner buffet menu (I'm hoping I won't get blasted for having made this assumption). The chef is working on scaling back on some of the buffet items and figuring a new price for us. I will hear by sometime tomorrow how much cheaper they will be able to make it. I was also told by the waters edge that the dj that they typically use (not necessarily the one that we'll use) is cheaper on Friday nights (one of the reasons we went with a Fri. instead of Sat.)
As I sit here crunching numbers with my husband we are looking at a lot of variables. Depending on what the waters edge gets back to me with as far as a new price and really depending on the number of people that we can guarantee will attend, the cost per ticket could be anywhere from 59$ to 73$ per person. Even with those numbers there still may be ways to make things cheaper.
I'll let you know when I hear back from Waters Edge.
Oh Crap!!!!
Oh Crap!!!!....Our 20th High School Reunion in June 2007, that leaves just about 9 months for me to loose 50 lbs, magically grow back some hair, become successful, and address every insecurity I ever had growing up, or on the other hand, I can just sit around and watch reality TV until then?!
Cornelius (Neil) Dunn here, also go by Corny ever since my undergrad, so when people ask for Neil, always know it’s someone related to Clinton. Reading your blogs and doing mine from work in Cheshire, Ct.
Where to start: Well been married now for 12+ years to my wife Cindy, who I met at WestConn in Danbury, Ct, and just stayed in the area. Now living in Newtown, Ct for the last 11 yrs, with Cindy and our 3 kids (CJ (9), Cayden (6), and Casey (3)). I am still doing drugs (ie. working for a drug company (now a start-up biotech)) and still enjoy the occasional cocktail (Sierra Nevada, Smithwick’s or a good Merlot). As a result of the BoSox winning the series in 2004, I have turned to God and now teach Sunday School (unless the Giants are playing). I am also coaching my kid’s baseball, hoop and lax teams, and trying hard not to scream at the players to avoid being featured as the nutso coach/dad on Ch. 8 news. I am now playing in a 40 and over hoop league (old enough to round up), and realize just as you all do, that growing old + gravity sucks. However, it will still be nice to see many of you in the near future, and to also see who has pissed off Father Time.
This reunion should start earlier, because I’ll be asleep by 10pm. Also no need for a formal dinner and loud band, because will just be talking and catching up. Although no longer paying for diapers, I too am still price sensitive, and sympathize w/ some of the concerns defined in previous blogs. However, I’m also available + willing to help out, and can be reached at dunnc@alxn.com or 203-271-8390. I’m initially only giving my contact info for work, since I expect some of you are now crazy +/or I still owe you $. Now I need to go find that 87 yearbook around the house, and to try and remember who you all are (or were) again, and also look for some pics that I can upload!
Mo, thanks for contacting me through my bro.
Hey Maher, my parents still want their mailbox back.
Dalton, heard your mom bought my sis a beer in a pub in Eire, small world.
Monster, I thought you died in the Bering Strait?!
Maura your oldest daughter looks just like you!
Has anyone seen Mangler?
I thought Flynn went to Xavier (from Wendy’s email, forgot who he married)?
Hi from Maryland

Hi Everyone –
It’s Laurie O’Connor Barclay. I also want to thank Wendy and the rest of the group that are starting the ball rolling for our 20th. With everyone’s busy schedules, I know that they have taken on a big responsibility. I think that the Water’s Edge is a nice choice – something a little special to celebrate such a big milestone in our lives.
Everyone has really valid points and great ideas. Why don’t we use them to put the rest of the weekend together so that everyone gets what they want out of it. Let’s not let these differences of opinion get in the way of having a great event and more importantly, seeing each other after all of these years. It’s hard to believe that 20 years have gone by!
So about me now…I live in Takoma Park, Maryland, outside of DC, with my husband Rich, and our daughter Marin (22 months). After 12 years in business and the last 8 with a busy software company, I now stay home with Marin and am having great fun. I can be reached at lbarclay@rcn.com. and look forward to reconnecting with everyone.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

So anyways...
I live in New Hampshire, married to Michael Joanis for 13 years and have 3 girls--Madelyn (age 10), Emma (age 7) and Michelle (age 3). I used to teach school before having my kids but now I stay home with my girls and teach aerobics/dance part time. I am going to try to upload a picture of my kids.
Can't wait to see everyone again,
Thanks Wendy

Hi everyone, it's Maura McCusker Doxsee. Wendy, I'm so glad you got things going for our reunion. I appreciate all your hard work, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in June. I'm in Killingworth with my husband Jim and our two girls, Elizabeth 6 and Meghan 3. I've been teaching 3rd grade in Madison for the past 8 years. I'd love to hear from you. You can reach me at mauradoxsee@sbcglobal.net.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I have never "blogged" before, so this is a new experience...
Can anybody guess who is in this picture? (hint: 1985 ~ 20 yr class reunion)... Of course I crashed! It was a blast! (Tim Driscoll, Me, John Schoen & Ruel Whitcomb)
I told Wendy I'd help love to help her plan our reunion, I know the time & place are set, but what ever else she needs to make it a great time for everybody... I am pretty busy but my hours can be flexible ~ with 4 kids & a restaurant, it stays pretty crazy...

My other children are Alexina (13-in red), Sabrina (7 in pink) & Nicolo (4- & affectionately final) These pictures don't do them justice...
I know a lot of people (including myself) are having trouble with the chosen date & place of the reunion, but hopefully we will be able to work something out so as many people as possible can come. I'd love to keep contact with every one (jacquelina26@sbcglobal.net). We have always had so much fun together as a class.
Look forward to hearing from everyone,
Jacqueline Cacace (Jackie Schoen)
Monday, September 25, 2006
Rose Ann's pictures

Thanks Mo for the link! Here's a few pics and some info on me.
I live in Westbrook....pretty much since I graduated. I am a volunteer EMT with the ambulance service in town and also the Treasurer.
I work a few hours a week, but other than that, I am home with my kids.
This is me...taken in May.
This is my family, taken on Easter.
(Hubby, Meghan (12) 7th grade, Lindsey (5) Kindergarten, Gregg (16mo.)
oh...forgot to add my email rsimo527@msn.com
Thanks for setting this up! Email me if you need help with planning!
Take Care!
Hi, Everyone

It is good to see people conect again!
Samantha (Londin) Demchak here...... Rob and I have been married 13 years and we are living in Oregon. Moved here right after we got married. We have an 18 year old daughter who will graduate this year and a 17 year old son who actually will be graduating this year too Their pictures re to the right! The first two are from my first marriage......We also have a 12 year old in the 6th grade. We are planning on coming back for the reunion..... My e mail address is
I would love to hear from everyone!
Great idea!
Hey Everybody ~
Mo (Scully) Tranquilli here! I sent a comment to Wendy's post, but realized that a new post might be more visable! I think the blog is a great idea (thank you Brian, Mike and Wendy)! I hope everyone starts to use it! I'm really looking forward to the reunion! As some of you already know, I work at Morgan (and Eliot) as a school social worker. So, if anyone needs information from Morgan or needs to get in touch with any of the teachers, please feel free to contact me at mtranquilli@clintonpublic.org. See you all in June! Wendy & Maura - let me know when the planning meeting is going to be! I'll join you!
~ Mo
Friday, September 22, 2006
hey folks, the blog is open

hey all, Mike Young here, taking over the blogging duties from Wendy.
Mike Young?
Come on . . .wasn't I in your vocab class with Luckenbach?
We hope that this site can serve as a sort of bulletin board where people can check for details of our upcoming 20th(!) reunion. Also, and perhaps more importantly, it can be an easy way for folks to post news and reconnect with classmates. So I encourage you all all, especially those who can't make the 6/29 reunion to chime in and fill us in on what's up with you, or even post of shot of you and yours. I'll go first:
I went to Brian Dalton's wedding in Brooklyn recently. His wife is lovely but he is quite fat these days. Enjoy these pictures of me at his so-called 'bachelor party' and with Brian's niece Molly at dinner .
go to blogger.com
the username is
and the password is
so what's up, people?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Our 20th reunion is being planned for Friday night, June 29, 2007 from 8 to 12 pm at the Waters Edge in Westbrook. We are also thinking about other events for that weekend, including a family picnic or beach day. We need to start getting contact info from people and the sooner the better. If you would like to be involved in the planning let us know. Maura McCusker Doxsee (who is local) and I are planning a reunion committee meeting for a Saturday night sometime in Oct. or Nov. I'll post the exact date once we figure that out.
I can be contacted at wjoanis@adelphia.net and I encourage everyone to correspond on this blog site and to let everyone from our class know that this blog exists. Send your contact info to me asap as well as any suggestions you may have for the reunion.
Hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to see everyone next June!
Wendy Neal Joanis