Morgan Class of 1987

Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Place: Water's Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT Cost: $65 per person

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kenny Sullivan & Gary Anderson

I spoke to Kenny today and told him about the reunion. I also gave him the blogger info. He lives in Florida and will be in CT in a couple weeks. I'll show him how to navigate the blogger when he comes up.

I spoke with Gary's girlfriend (who happens to be related to me) I gave her the reunion info and told her about the site; she's going to forward the blogger site to him.

I'll post more info when I can. :)


Hey Robert....

Hey re-email me as you were put in my Junk mail before I could reply.....


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Finally learning how to get these pictures on. Our son Travis in Disney at MGM studios. Waiting for a delicious dinner at Mama Rosie's


Final prom shots..

Ginger Ramos, Loraine Teague,Rob (George) Jenkins and Marc Giovine in the hotel from hell (remember "no make party!")

ok couldn't resist these classics...

Chris Tomczyk and Jimmy Greider, John Gallagher and Stephanie Haeussler, Ginger and Chris Kelly,Tony Denoto,

Heather Nedovich and Rob Crane

tell me when to stop...

Scott and Kirby, Cyndi, Scott and I

and more..

Marc Giovine, Paul Duenkel, George!,Donna and Kirby

Some more...

Tom Nercowski,Scott and I, Deb Milliken x2

top row Sue Varaitis,Lisa Tolman,Jen McCarron,Katie Ward

2nd row Wendy Neal, Jen again, Jeanette Guilloty

3rd row Ann Millette and Donna Fiorentino

Hope these come out ok... Liz

5th & 6th Grade Photos

Hi All,

Tricia Mezzetti here. Thanks to all who are taking time to organize the Reunion and Picnic, and including the Xavier guys and Mercy Girl ( I think I am the only one who went all 4 years). I look forward to seeing you all in June. Please let me know if you need help with anything, I would be more than happy :).

We have a mailing address

Hi everyone,

As many of you know I'm collecting addresses in order to do a mailing in February. The mailing will include all information about the Friday Night party, as well as hotel info., and anything else that comes up between now and then. If you haven't sent me your address please forward it to If you have addresses of others who haven't been on the blog please send along their info. too. A PO Box has been set up. Responses as well as pictures can be sent to: Morgan Class of 1987 Reunion, P.O. Box 876, Killingworth, CT 06419


Local Public Announcement - Reunion

Hi Everyone,

Need your help.

If your in the Clinton Comcast area, starting tomorrow the reunion announcement will air. If you get a chance while your doing laundry, cleaning or whatever, take a peek at channel 19. If you happen to see it do me a favor and post it here.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Ginger's Boys

Hey Everyone! These are my three I have been a bit busy over the past twenty years. From CT to Rome to California to Hawaii to Florida and finally Iowa. Yes Iowa...Look on a map..not the potatoe state the corn state. Yeah yeah gave up palm trees and ocean for....Corn. No really its a great hearty place to raise kids without killing yourself to afford a mortgage. Anyway kids lets all just get along. Be happy that we all made it this far considering our extracurricular activites. If my boys do 10% of what I did I may not live through it. Let's appreciate the fact that there are 100 people out there from our graduating class that know your gets tiring at our age to start from scatch all the time. And who cares what we do for a living or how rich or poor we are? Everything is borrowed just enjoy the ride. I've lost both my parents over the past 7 years and it surely changes your perspective on what to bitch about.
Hopefully I will see you all in June. Hopefully the I'll have the Botox and Lipo by then:)
Try to get along or I'll have to start banging heads..or posting my blackmail pictures..So be nice to me..Be nicer to Donna though because she's the one that has the REAL blackmail pictures.....

You can harrass me at

Saturday, January 27, 2007

...And More Pictures

This first picture was at my house but I don't remember that girl's name. Does anybody remember her?


More Class Photos

Here are some pictures Heather gave me to post for her. More to come.

Donna & Heather

Lil' Darlins where are you?

Hey any of you out there? Remember our great adventures!! I'd love to hear from you!!


We are Fabulous!

As a massage therapist, one thing I've learned in dealing with injury is that often, things get worse before they get better. I think this blogsite is a perfect example of that. It's obvious that we all have "old wounds" that may have been opened up when we started thinking about our 20 year reunion. I for one forgot so much about high school until this blogsite came into being! I think it was to be expected that tempers may have flared and there may have been disagreements, but in the end, as Cyndi said, We all did it together! That's what is so great about us...we are all so different. We all have something amazing to bring to the table, and for that reason, this reunion is going to be a blast! There is an excerpt from Nelson Mandela's Inauguration speech that I keep in my massage room so that I can look at it everyday...I find it to be inspiring ( even though I am not in the least bit religious!)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us. It's in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I remember our class being filled with brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous people...I can't wait to see what everyone has done with their lives!! And by the way, there are still so many missing people that I hope log on to this site!!

Deb Cieri-Munster

Friday, January 26, 2007

We did it, together!


I was going through the yearbook and thought I should post.

Alright, I know I'm a little sappy but, we did this, ALL OF US TOGETHER, and although it's a bit out of shape, (as in life, nothing is perfect) we managed to do it just like we will make this reunion weekend work.

Who cares if we are fat & ugly, skinny & balding. We are 20 years older it's gonna happen. :) Life happens. We've all changed in some ways but we are all still the same in other ways. That's OK because it's why we all connected to begin with.

We should be proud, Mrs. Fisher said "You were the greatest class that ever was. I tell everyone that- still!!!!!!" How many classes can say that?

BTW..for those who may not remember, 1987 was dedicated to Mrs. Fisher

Glad to see we are back on track. Great to see those photo's! Keep em' comin!

P.S. Can you find yourself in the pic?


Hi Class of '87,
Sheryl here.

Here is a picture of, "My Three Sons!" Trey ( 8), Clayton ( 6) and Conner ( 2).

I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom. Yet, time gets away from me because life is so crazy!

I recently lost my mom and have a better understanding of the importance of friendship. I hope to attend the reunion and the picnic to catch up w/ our classmates. It'll be a fun time!


P.S. Santa was sweating his jingle bells off!!!!

Getting Blogger Back To What It Is Suppose To Be:

Hi everyone.
Cherise here.

My family currently lives in Savannah, Ga. Here is a picture of my husband Bill and son Chase. We just moved here in August from Little Rock, AR. Prior to that we were in Nashville, TN, Miami, FL and Myrtle Beach, SC.

Bill is currently Vice President of The Savannah CVB/Chamber of Commerce. If any of you ever visit Savannah, you have to stop by to see us! We have a carriage house, (Fancy term for apt. over the garage.) and Bill gets anything in the city pretty much FREE! Even reservations at Paula Deen's restaurant.

Chase is seven. He attends a public Montessori school and is way smarter in second grade than I was when I graduated! Ha! He plays soccer and hockey. Santa just brought goalie gear! YIKES!

I am a stay at home mom most of the year. I DO still go to Myrtle Beach for "Stints" during the Spring and Fall golf seasons. We always seem to need to use the $$$ for something. When I'm not on Blogger, I am usually cleaning/organizing our home like a maniac, walking my dogs or hanging out at Chase's school. I wouldn't call it volunteering. I'm pretty much the cupcakes/fruit-roll-ups, goody bags room mother.

I hope everyone will be at the reunion on Friday and at the picnic on Saturday. I haven't seen anyone in fifteen years. Not a single soul. So, I'm really looking forward to meeting the spouses/sig. others and kids of the classmates I've kept in touch w/ and those who I've reconnected w/.

If you have not e-mailed Danny or I w/ your in put for the picnic, whether you're attending, participating in Jackie and Pete's buffet, bringing a side dish or donating ca$h for the paper products, we need you to do so. Thanks!


Let's move on!!!!!!!

Mrs Fisher here--- Carole to many of you now!!!

I am so disappointed by what's happening to our reunion. It's supposed to be a happy time. You were the greatest class that ever was. I tell everyone that- still!!!!!! Let's go back to being that group and whatever bad things occurred, work them out appropriately, please. We all feel better running on positive vibes. I am looking forward to seeing you all in June.


Carole Fisher


Final Word On Picnic

Final word on the picnic should be this:

There WILL be a picnic at Hammonassett. You, (And by, "You" I mean all Morgan classmates) are more than welcome to attend and to bring your family members. I promise it won't be a Roman orgy. I have a feeling that the Hammonasset security will ensure people behave themselves.

If you don't feel comfortable with Hammonassett then don't go, but quit slamming it, and quit slamming those that are trying to organize it. If you wish to organize something at the Clinton beach or wherever that is more suitable to your tastes and comfort level, then do so and I promise nobody is going to take any shots at it from my camp.

I have always said I respect those that wish to have an alcohol free event for their kids.

And, just for the record I'm on to these sly posts as well, (Calling for peace, and wanting to move on, but taking shots at the same time. "Being stalked."..."Drunk and nude." (While obviously not getting the joke...). If you're calling for peace that's one thing, but additional shots are not going to make it happen.

Now, YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Go to Hammonasset or go elsewhere.
It's really, REALLY that simple.


Obsess Much?

Roseanne, good post.

Cherise, don't you think you're kind of obsessing over this? You disagree with opinions and now you are obsessing over tracking down who's posts they are so you know who to be pissed off at next?

Let it go, move on, let everyone get excited about the reunion & picnic!!! You are making this so much more dramatic that necessary. We only need dates, times, places and cost.

~Tammy (so you don't have to go to great lengths to find out who to flame next)

p.s. As to the "nudity at Hammo" comment - are you saying you want to be drunk and nude in front of our families? Let me know so I can plan accordingly - if this is the case, I will bring my camera, but not my kids! LOL!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


It really disappoints me, to continue to see such negativity and sarcasm with this picnic.

I'm a pretty laid back and positive person, and to see unecessary caddiness continue makes me wonder if I even want to go.

Can't the plans just continue without all the negativity??

It's similar to what I try to teach my middle-schooler..."You dont have to be friends with everyone, but you need to be nice and respectful to everyone". She is 12.

Can't we continue with this respectfully? So that everyone will enjoy themselves?
I'm at the point I dont even know if I want to go anymore, which is sad, because it would be nice to catch up with people I haven't seen and meet their spouses and children.

I apologize if this offends anyone, but I just hate to see things be like this, as I'm sure others feel the same.

Although I am not personally being attacked (yet), I hate to see it happen to others.

We come to the blog to see photos and updates on what everyone has been up to. Isn't this site supposed to be fun and about re-connecting? Can't we go back to that?

It has been asked that people give honest opinions, so I'm giving mine. I hope that you respect my opinion.

If anyone would like to respond, my email is

All I'm asking is that we continue maturely and respectfully.

Rose Ann

TOGETHER we're doing great!

O.K. Together we're doing great. I am posting this to urge any "Lurkers" or those receiving the, "Hammo. updates" who have not contacted Danny or I to PLEASE do so!

Starting next week, Cyndi is going to help make spread sheets and I'll keep track of the edited lists to forward to you. (Come on, won't anyone miss my sarcasm?) So, we NEED YOUR INFO. and INPUT.


BTW, How come no one is arguing that Hammo. doesn't allow nudity?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I can't believe how cute we ALL are in this picture. If you were in Miss Banti's 1st grade class, you'll be here. You know who you are. I'll post 1st names with last initials.

1st row
Michael P, Paul C, Eric J, Brooks G, Michael Y, Shawn D. and Miss Banti

2nd row
Cyndi C, Beth D, Shana P, Danny M, Susan V, Colleen K, Jeffery C, Gloria G, Samantha L.

3rd row
John F, Dawn R, Renee W, Kim R, Sherri B, Drew B.

Front row
John G, Robert M, Glenn S, Danny F.



Check out article in the Middletown Press!!!

Did anybody read the Middletown press today?

If this link doesn't work go the - keyword East Haddam
Look for the article that starts like this... see why I am SOOOO proud of my hubby...

East Haddam Village's old-world Italian flair
By Ashley Lyons, Special to The Press

Chef Lorenzo "Larry" Cacace and his wife Jacqueline "Jackie" Cacace just renovated their dining room. It is now awash in warm gold and red tones and its wooden, cathedral ceilings and high windows allow light to pour in and bathe everything in an additional buttery golden hue.
The new dining room is graced further by wonderful aromas of home-style Italian cooking that lets the room know it is indeed made for dining.
Though perhaps the best and most authenticating features of the new dining room are the people who hungrily wait to devour meals in the recent addition. After all, the new dining room is in La Vita Gustosa, the Cacaces' nearly five-year-old Italian restaurant at 9 Main St.
In its previous incarnation, La Vita Gustosa was a small eatery in Chester. Of course, the size and location have changed, but the food has not; it is still top-notch, old-world Italian cuisine.

(BTW - it's Jackie)

Morgan Class of 1987

Wendy, You will let us know soon the P.O. Box to send the Check for the Waters Edge reunion to? Or could I have one of the olders girls bring it to Mo at the high School??

Melissa Clapper (Henry)

Morgan Class of 1987

Morgan Class of 1987



I'd be remiss if I didn't say I agree with the "how old are we" posting. Do we need alcohol AGAIN at the picnic? Isn't that what Water's Edge is for?

It is for our families, after all... and saying "don't come to the picnic if you don't like it" will make people feel like outcasts because they believe kids and alcohol don't mix.

I don't think that's off-base. This isn't a frat party, it's a family picnic.

How Old Are We?

I have been reading the blogs that have been posted over the past week and I am completely amazed at how some people just haven't changed.... are we approaching 40 or are we still in grade school? Who really cares what we do on Saturday, whether it be Hammo or the Clinton Town Beach.. and if you think that Friday night at Waters Edge is not going to be enough alchol for you that you need to carry it into a "family day" then you may not get such a great turnout and if you do is it going to turn into a "keg party"? This is just appalling.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

5th grade autographs...

I just thought we needed a chuckle...
Another one that was funny, but the pencil was too light was from Heather said "Rose, thank you so much for being such a great friend (even if I dont know you that well), see you in 6th grade....Heather Nedovitch
So funny....
Hope you all get a little laugh or blast of the past.
~Rose Ann

Xaiver Guys

I heard Scott Heynen went to Xaiver, anybody know the whereabts of him? He was my neighbor K-11


Xaiver Guys

Scott Heynen was my neighbor since kindergardern. He went to Hammo. school around 7-8 grade then I heard went to Xaiver. Last I heard he was living in FL. You know the whereabouts of him?


Morgan Class of 1987

Morgan Class of 1987 I saw Jason Hall's mother today and asked her to send him the info for the reunion. He lives in East Hampton. Although he graduated in Branford, he was with our class for a long time. If anyone is in contact with these classmates who left before graduation, please pass it on.
Can we also start a blogger's addiction club? LOL Liz Miller


I hope I am not the only one wondering about putting the cost on a CC. Is there a way to do this? Maybe through paypal......
Just a thought........

Did I miss something?

O.K. I haven't been on the wine, yet.
Did I miss something? Maureen sent out a "Reply all" e-mail that said she and Kim were open to suggestions, though it had to move along quickly and the planning of the picnic would continue. Then Kim Blogged that they're not planning any formal event. Which is is it? After reading Kim's Blog it sounds like not everyone wanted to play at her field, so she took HER ball and went home. (Lots of sincerity there.) For anyone who wants to pick up the ball, and plan a Class of '87 picnic for Saturday, I will help in any way I can. However, from this distance it might only be financial. I'm up for anything that appeals to the most amount of classmates. Lots of people are talking Hammo. I guess per Danny's blog below, contact him. For those of you who liked the Clinton Town Beach idea, please consider participating in the picnic no matter where it's held. I'm not sure if my family can make it to CT in June. Yet, meeting everyone's kids would definitely make the weekend more worth while.

For whoever took the time to delete the FIRST time I wrote something similar to this, I'll be sure to cut and paste this in a file so I can make sure it stays posted.


To whoever keeps deleting this. KINDLY e-mail me. Once you make a valid point w/ me, I will then consider deleting it myself.

Hello Everyone – Steve Suraci

I’m a newbie to this blogging too… Dan Flynn sent me the link to the site yesterday along with a copy of a great class picture. Thanks Donna for reminding me how much hair I used to have. The strange thing is that I can remember the names of everyone in the picture except for four. I usually can't remember what I had for lunch the day before! I read through some of the blog entries last night. It was great to see all the old names and pictures. The sad part was that I had such a hard time figuring out who is in the new pictures because it has been so long since I had last seen anyone from Clinton.

After Xavier, I attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA and got a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I met my wife Myra, a red-headed Italian from “Woosta”, in October of my senior year. We were engaged in February and married in August right after I graduated. We left the day after our wedding for our honeymoon to Florida and ended up staying for three years. We moved up here to NH when our first was on the way in 1994. We wanted to be closer to home but not too close! We’ve been here ever since. We have two children: Edward was just twelve on New Years and Natalia is nine. That’s them in the picture this summer.

My parents and Grandmother still live in Clinton but we typically only make it there once or twice a year. We live in Newton, NH and my brother lives outside of Boston so typically my parents make the round trip up here for visits. They seem to have more time for such things these days then we do. My Dad continued to coach football up until just a couple years ago. He retired after his 25th season. He keeps himself busy these days working at Shore TV and my Grandmother works part-time at Stop and Shop.

I’ve had a few jobs over the years. All have been in the same field and each ended pretty much the same way. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t seem to always see eye-to-eye with my employers. That Italian thing works against me a little. It seems that I have always found an opportunity let them know how I really feel! About nine years ago I decided I had had enough of working for someone else and decided to give doing it my way a try. It was a little bit of a tough go early but now it has grown to the point were I can start to enjoy the good side of management, like delegating on Fridays! I might even try to work out retiring more sooner then later.

I am glad to see that all of us collectively seem to be doing well. I hope I can swing the trip back to Clinton for the reunion. If this blog is any kind of indication the reunion will be something else. If anyone wants to email directly you can do that at

Top Movies of 1987

Top grossing movies for 1987 in the USA
Please note that these are the top grossing films that were first released in 1987; because they may have made most of their income in a later year, they are probably not the top grossing films for calendar year 1987.


Three Men and a Baby (1987)

Fatal Attraction (1987)

Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)

Moonstruck (1987)

The Untouchables (1987)

The Secret of My Succe$s (1987)

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Dirty Dancing (1987)

The Witches of Eastwick (1987)


If there are emails happening as well as this blog, please add me to the list! Thanks!

Tammy Tolman (Wininger)


Cherise here. I have a list of classmates UP FOR HAMMO.! If you are a "Lurker" or you have not received it, please contact Danny May or I. Also, Danny is trying to find out per Chris Coarito, which of the remaining available pavilions #1 or #2 is better. If you have an opinion on which one, again, e-mail me. We are going w/ the majority vote on it. For those of you who were up for the Clinton Town Beach, please consider joining us at Hammo. now that it's no longer a planned event. We're moving forward people!

Thoughts on the picnic (Tammy Wininger)

I saw the email saying I was missing in action. I had posted to the blog a month or two ago - here I am again!

I don't know who posted it, no name was attached, but the mention of Dan Flynn in a dress brought back a wave of fond memories - thanks!

It saddened me to see some of the recent posts that seem laced with anger or resentment or some other underlying animosity that I can't decipher. I hope those who are so discontented can see clear to have a cordial discussion moving forward.

I agree with Danny May's earlier posting, the reunion is about the class of 1987, not our spouses, not our children. While I agree that meeting each others' children would be interesting, the reality is that I have already met the children of the people I am closest to from high school, and most of you would probably say the same. I am not adverse to the idea of Clinton Beach, but, again, this is about our class; and our kids and spouses will have (and have had) their OWN reunions, which will focus specifically on them. So let's be selfish and focus on us!

If we are having a picnic, I would prefer Hammo - for me, it has deeper meaning than Clinton Beach, believe it or not. But I will attend, no matter where we have it. What I am really looking forward to is the Water's Edge gathering.

Have a peaceful day.

Senior Prom

Posted by: ~Rose Ann

Monday, January 22, 2007

More Senior Banquet photos

Posted by:
~Rose Ann

What Not To Wear....

C' know the tv show, right? Holy smokes...what the heck was I thinking here for the Senior Banquet? I'm not speaking for Carol or Sue...but geesh!!

Beware...more photos on their way! And some entries to my 5th grade autograph book!

~Rose Ann

Bad apple here....

Read through some of the comments. I wasn't the ONLY "Apple" that/who wanted the venue changed. Feel free to contact me,
Really, post your name next time.

Please Read...

We do not have to drink to have a good time. I think that people with small children, clinton beach would be a great
idea, becase their is a playground and they can enjoy themselves and it is a smaller area than hammonasset.

Saturday 6/30/07

Kim, that was very well put and you made some valid points. I respect your decision and I think you'll all have a great time.
However I see this event as not necessarily appealing to all. And while I don't want to detract from any activity I don't want to leave anyone out in the cold so-to-speak.
Therefore, since this Clinton beach thing seems to be set into stone I want to get feedback from people if they wish to have an alternate get-together on Saturday. If so, you can either post here or email me ( There's already been several posts on this blog from various classmates indicating a desire for something elsewhere. As I said before, not everyone in this class has young children or an affinity for the Clinton beach, and that being the case their wishes deserve to be respected as much as those with small kids looking for an activity that appeals to them.

Again I don't wish to take anything away from this picnic but I feel others who may not exactly find this activity desireable are left with no options and I don't wish for that to be the case. I hope the Clinton beach picnic is a tremendous success.

D May

Re: Saturday Events

Kim & Maureen here. First we want to say thank you for the feedback. We truly respect everyone’s opinions, whether positive or negative. When we decided to volunteer to help with the weekend activities, we never imagined it would generate a huge debate or much criticism. We truly wanted to create an event that would be enjoyable for everyone. Secondly, for those that know me pretty well, I think you know I would never endanger any children, whether they're my own or belong to others. Maureen and I are mothers of little ones, so safety was the single most important issue when consideration was given to the venue of the family picnic. I have 3 children ages 5 and under and visit the Town Beach often during the summer with friends and I have never felt like my kids were in ever in danger, given the proper supervision. In fact, most people I spoke with preferred that the “family” picnic be an alcohol free event, so the Town Beach seemed like a perfect spot. No matter where the venue, it was always assumed that parents were going to have to properly supervise their children of all ages. I (Kim), personally, did not want alcohol to in any way contribute to any potential lack of supervision or someone getting behind the wheel and jeopardizing the safety of others. I did not want that to be on my conscience, nor did I want to take on that responsibility or want that liability. Others have voiced concern over the “water” factor and the location of the pavilion at the beach and prefer to be nowhere near the beach or water and that is perfectly understandable and a very valid point. Thank you so much for bringing that concern up. It was not one I had considered because I had wrongly assumed that the large pavilion and playground would be far enough from the water that people would be comfortable. For those that e-mailed me or spoke to me privately, they have the opinion that they prefer a smaller, more private venue, like Clinton Beach where children cannot wonder very far. The new playground, of course, is only going to appeal to those with younger children. To be honest, parking was not a huge concern, since the Town of Clinton hosted a "Clinton Family Day" at the beach last summer and parking was never an issue then. Some also had concerns over the fact that thousands of people visit Hammo on any given summer weekend and didn’t like the large size or openness of a state park where kids could run or wonder off. Some people want to just relax without kids and have a beer or two at Hammo, poolside at Water's Edge or a local restaurant. That’s fine, too. I guess what were getting at is that we know we will never make everyone happy, so we (me and Maureen) have elected not to organize any formal event for Saturday. It is probably best that each classmate decide on their own where they feel most comfortable, with or without kids, with or without alcohol. The Clinton Town Beach, Hammo, the facilities at Waters Edge, visiting local family and old friends at their homes are all great ideas and nice places to visit. There are pros and cons to each and ultimately you should be deciding what is most enjoyable, safe and more suitable for you or your family as you spend time reconnecting with classmates. I will keep the pavilion at the Town Beach reserved for those that would like to grill or eat there, since there is no charge. If others want to reserve other facilities, that is perfectly fine, too. Thank you again to all.

Please Please Read this

When you post Please put your name on......Because it makes it much easier to know who is saying what......Someone thanked me for being their buddy and I have no idea who it was.....Whoever you're welcome!

It has been a blast looking at the pictures with Rob - it is so much fun having a spouse that knows all the same people! We have some good laughs! What were we thinking?
As for all the issues that seem to be bogging down the plans.....I suggest leaving the Reunion as is. It sounds great......As for Saturday, maybe seperate group things are better. If people want to plan something, post it and people can come and go as they please. Let this be a good time, a time to brag about kids, and talk about how well we all did......not something to make people look forward to NOT coming!

I truly can't wait!


Greeting-Dan Flynn

(First attempt at blogging...with a little help from Cherise. Hope this works)

Greetings all. I figured it was time to stop being a lurker after the picture of me wearing a dress popped-up! As I recall, it was a dare made by Samantha Londin. She paid me $25 to do it. I got half in the a.m. and Mrs. Denvir held the other half until the end of the day. I gotta say that the dress was bad, but that shirt I am wearing in one of the class pictures is downright horrible. It was easier to explain the dress to my wife and kids!

I still reside in CT. I moved to Portland, CT about 15 years ago. I am here with my wife Dawn (married 13 years) - met her freshman year at college - and our son Connor (8) and daughter Meghan (5 in February). I will post pix when I get up-to-date ones on the computer. Connor looks just like me. He is in third grade. Loves playing baseball and all things Red Sox...despises the Yankees. Meghan is a teenager in a 5 year olds body. She starts kindergarten in September. She is ready and raring to go. She is ready for it. I do not know if the school is ready for her.

Wendy, Maura et al. Thanks for opening up the reunion to myself and others who did not graduate from Morgan. I am looking forward to the reuinon. If this blog is an early indication, I am sure the reunion will be great. I recently have exchanged numerous e-mails with Cherise, Ginger and Diana Dart.. great to hear from them and to re-connect!

I still keep tabs on Clinton as my brother is on the police force there. (I used to think highly of the force until they agreed to give Brian P. a badge and gun. Rumor has it he may even get bullets for the gun someday!) I also have a friend who moved there. His kids are going through Joel and Pierson now along with Little League and rec bball. Funny to have him ask me, :"Do you know a Kirby Cummings?" or "Artie Navarro?"

I passed the word on to Dave Stickney about the blog. I will also do so to other members of the "Xavier guys"...Mike Perry, Mike Fitzgerald, Steve Suraci and anyone else I see who may be interested.

Keep up the blogging and drop me an e-mail at

-Dan Flynn

Sunday, January 21, 2007

to everyone

please let us know when the next meeting is

First and Second Grade Class Photos

O.K. Roseann-for you I found a few more.
You are in one of these-with pigtails!


Morgan Class of 1987

Morgan Class of 1987 Liz again apparently I am repetative! sorry. Love the pix by the way.

Morgan Class of 1987

Morgan Class of 1987 Liz here. I agree with Cherise and Dan. If you remember Hammo, it has a huge open field with a semi-private pavillion in the back. We can set areas of interest for different age groups. IE a kiddie pool and games for 10 and under. Possibly karoake or dance-offs for tween/teens. We can even hire those same teens to care for the younger one's. They love money! That way, we can all sociazilze however we want to, and the kids aren't standing around bored. Hey, another plus is, if you don't want to lose your liscense drinking and driving, you can reserve a campsite for the night.
One final concern is parking. Clinton beach doesn't have a big lot and there are alot of us. Hammo may give us a group entrance discount of some kind.
Let's seriously consider a site change so people don't feel left out.

Morgan Class of 1987

Class of 1987 Liz here. I agree with Cherise. If you remember Hammo, there is a huge field with a semi- private pavillion in the back. We may have to claim it ahead of time. We can set areas of interest for different age groups. IE a kiddie pool and little games for under 10 years. Possibly karoake or dance offs for the tween/teens. We can even hire those same teens to watch the younger ones! They love money. That way, if someone's not interested in drinking, they can still mix with those who are. And the children aren't standing around getting bored. Hey and if anyone doesn't want to drink and drive, reserve a campsite for the night!
One final concern is parking. Clinton beach doesn't have a giant parking lot. I hope we can come together on this and satisfy everyone's taste. Liz

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Some Party Shots

Last set of photos for a while...Guess we liked to have parties. These are some pics from my infamous basement parties, Rob Crane's, Ginger's and Tony DeNotos house. Cyndi, this is the only one I could dig up of you. And yes Dan May, that is you holding your head up, sleeping I think, you must have been really tired. Kirby and Marc are doing their best U2 impersonation, no really that is what they were doing. Hmmm...what is Ginger doing?


Morgan Class of 1987

Seeing the picture of Dan Flynn in a dress reminded me of my first day at Elliot. We had just moved here from Va. and I walk into the school (thanks Samantha for being my "buddie")I wanted to turn tail and run, the first thing I saw was Kirby and Pete in dresses. I thought for sure you Yankees were nuts.. LOL

8th Grade Field Day

Some more familiar faces from 8th grade. For some reason Dan Flynn was in a dress?!? I think it was a bet.


3rd and 6th Grade Class Photos

O.K. everyone, I found a ton of pictures. I will try to post them when I have time. I left all of the incriminating ones out! These are from third and sixth grade. Many of you in these pictures have already checked in so I hope you have a laugh.


when is the reunion

Cyndi- thanks for all the pics, I'll start digging through memory lane.
Dan- Hammo is a go for alcohol, Madison Surf Club does too. Thanks for typing out all the names
Samantha- I'm I coffee snob to. I bring a cofffee grinder with me when I deploy. Archie's coffee shop is good. If it is closed, Willoughbys in Madison is really good, there is also free wireless internet there. It's located on the main road (post road right across from what used to be the movie threater) There is also a coffee company out of FL( if that is not right I try to find it)anyway their Kona is great
I might be able to attend the reunion after all. It's the last wken in Jun 29-30?


Saturday's Events

(Dan May) Okay folks I am going to post this just to get it out in the air. For this reunion, as was stated early on events are put in the works for both Friday and Saturday. Friday night is pretty much the "adults only" dinner/dancing what-have-you at Water's Edge. Everyone seems to be pretty well satisfied here. For Saturday there is a wonderful idea to have a picnic at the Clinton Beach, and this is to be much more family oriented, with kids games and whatnot going on. There are a couple of issues that seems to be arising here though and I'm going to address it right here on the front page, like it or not.

The Clinton beach idea contains the drawback to some of not being a legal spot to drink alcohol. This being thought of as oriented around those with small kids I can fully understand why a spot that is alcohol-free is desireable to those parents that would rather not have that element involved. However there is also a valid point made by those that would prefer the option of having a cocktail if they so choose at a picnic of any sort. I can see both sides.

Brian Dalton so far has made the best comment on this situation that I've seen yet. He pretty much wants to see the most people happy. I agree with this completely. This whole get-together is about the entire class. Not any one individual or sub-group. I'm not siding either way here.
If Saturday rolls around and a picnic is being held with the idea that it's catered towards young children's activities, that's fine. Personally I probably won't make it to that. I think it's a great idea, but I don't have young kids. My kids are both high school age and I don't imagine they would be too jazzed up over such an idea. I'm not complaining, just being honest. I imagine in this class there are a lot of people with young kids who would have a great time at this. There's also some who have older kids and some who are single or are married but have no kids at all. I don't know that such an event would appeal to all.

This was why I suggested Hammonassett as a venue for a picnic. It's big enough and would accommodate everyone's desires. Alcohol is legal there in designated areas, and they do have families go to this park. I'm pretty sure I've seen families there from time to time. But I'm not here to ruffle feathers, only to suggest options.

This reunion is about YOU, the classmate. NOT our spouses. NOT our children. YOU must decide how you wish to spend Saturday. Again, I am not advocating for a switch of venue. But what I think needs to happen is #1, everyone needs to be informed of what is going on (in all aspects of planning) because it's for everyone. #2, people need to throw some input to the process so we can all see where the majority interest lies. The event needs to appeal to the largest number of people to make it seem like a "class of 1987 event". Otherwise I think people will simply splinter into smaller groups and go their own way, or head home. If an event caters to only a select portion of the class, then I believe only that select portion of the class will attend. If however, it appeals to the majority then the majority will attend. That's my opinion, call me crazy.

So, classmates, the ball is in your court. Speak up now. Even if you don't care either way. Your response should be-

Yes, I would attend the picnic at the Clinton town beach.
No, I would not be at the town beach picnic, however I would go to (insert your idea here).

I put this out here because I want people to be informed and I want as many people as possible to have a good time. If anyone's offended by my frankness, don't bother complaining to me because I don't really care. This thing is for everyone.


Morgan Class of 1987

I was just rereading the list you made Dan I didn't know that Pete Fillion died. What happed?? I knew that Annette had Passed as I was in touch with her for a while after she moved to Fl., and then was told of her passing by her mom.
I see Artie Navarro every once in a while around town I will keep a copy of the blog address on me so I can pass it along to him. I also gave the blog address to my younger sister as she and her husband see Scalzo's younger brother on a regular basis to pass on to him in Tx.
Wendy, I know that Lance cannot access the internet so I will get his mailing info and pass it on to you ASAP.

We need your old photos!

First I want to thank Cyndi, Rose Ann and others for taking us down memory lane. The photos you have posted are great! We are looking for photos like these to put into a slideshow (with music) for Friday night. I need EVERYONE to send me class memories from ANY year. For those of you who have a scanner, you can e-mail your photos to If you do not have a scanner, once the P.O. Box in Clinton is established for our class reunion, you can send your actual photos (or copies) to that address to my attention. Please also include the names of the people in your pictures, the event or year, in addition to any commentary you wish us to share during the slideshow. We're looking for elementary, middle & high school photos, class and team/sports photos, pictures from middle school dances, proms, parties (birthday or keg, whichever you prefer), pep rallies, homecoming (anyone happen to have pics from those float parties?), etc. I want everyone to dig through those boxes of photos they have in their homes or parent's house and find us memories we can share with our class Friday night. The more pictures the better! Thank you! - Kim (Ruggiero) Inglis

Contact info

Maura and I are going to be sending out mailings which will include the price of the reunion as well as a questionnaire and an envelope to return with payment for tickets. We will need to start collecting money asap. We have a bank account set up in Clinton and we have just set up a PO Box at the Clinton Post office that Maura will be checking on regularly. Please, even if you have already done so, email me directly with the address you want this mailing sent to. Also, whoever else you may have contact info for, resend that info as well at your earliest convenience. Since the creation of this blog, my email address changed and I'm afraid I might have lost contact info in the shuffle. So, again, please resend your contact info to now!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Cyndi, How Funny!!!

Here's one half of that dancin' couple!!! Artie...Where are you?!!!

Thanks so much for the great pictures. You must have been hysterically laughing posting these. They are great...scary, but great!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to do this!!


Cyndi (Cote) Gionfriddo - 8th Grade Dinner Dance

Does anyone remember the 8th Grade Dinner Dance?

Who's that dancing couple? Take a guess.

Cyndi (Cote) Gionfriddo 83' - 84'

Let's go waaaaaaay back. Pics from 83'& 84'

Cyndi (Cote) Gionfriddo - more pics

Ok.... I'm going to take you back gradually... I don't want anyone to go into shock. :)

Hmmm... who are these people? ;)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cyndi (Cote) Gionfriddo - Grad Pics

I ran across some oooooold pics the other day and thought I'd share. I have more I just haven't had much time to scan them. I'll send them soon.
Those that are in the pictures.. don't hate me!! :) Great memories though.
Oh, to be 18 again.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Morgan Class of 1987

Thanks for the class lists, whoever posted them? Was it you RoseAnn? And thanks to all that are emailing me personally with contact info. Every bit helps!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Morgan Class of 1987

You Really think so Rose Ann? I dont think any of the girls look like me at all. Katherine looks like her dad.
I forgot to include my contact info earlier,
my email is . If there is any other info you need just e mail me.

Melissa (Henry's) photos

Oldest, Katherine, with her boyfriend in Vermont.
Melissa & her now 4 yr. old.
Sixteen yr. old, Stephanie.
Hubby with Sammie.

Sorry it took so long for me to post these for you Melissa! Stephanie looks just like you!
~Rose Ann

Dan May's daughter

Isnt she adorable?
This is Melissa.

MySpace Group

I got an email from Rob McLeod and he suggested setting up a MySpace page. I already have one set up for Morgan, and you can access it through this URL:

MySpace is easy to use. It takes about 5 minutes to set up an account and it's free. Feel free to join.

Getting the Word out: Where we're at

A lot of people have been posting to the site (please leave contact info if you have not already done so). Many more from the class may or may not know about this effort. I made a list tonight of people I have either seen post here, or have been referred to as having been notified.
The second list is of names that I am not sure they're aware of the reunion. I felt that posting this might be a good idea so if you see someone that you know you can get a hold of, let them know. I used people's names from high school to make things easier to follow.
If i put you on the wrong list, or spelled your name wrong or left you off the lists, please don't be offended. It's late and I'm brain dead.

Anyway, here goes.
(on the second list the asterisk indicates the person was listed as whereabouts unknown at the 10 year reunion):

Checked in to the blog/or made mention of in the blog by others as being contacted about the reunion:

Kristen Bogart
Ron Boisvert
Bob Brown
Steve Bugg
Kim Buhler
Andrea Catalano

Peter Christopher
Robin Chrostowski
Debi Cieri
Chris Corarito
Robert Corson

Cyndi Cote
Kirby Cummings
Shelley Cunningham
Brian Dalton
Barb Daum
Beth Davis

Rob Demchak
Neil Dunn
Carol Falconer
Donna Fiorentino
Tanya Fritz

Cherise Gambardella
Jimmy Grieder
Jeff Hall
Sally Hawley
Sheryl Hollifield

Patty Houle
John Izzo
Mark Jenkin
Colleen Kennedy
Archie Kuever

Sam Londin
Pam Marsden
Ray Martin
Daniel May
Maura McCusker

Rob McLeod
Scott Miller
Debra Milliken
Rhett Moody
Lance Nardi

Wendy Neal
Liz O'Connell
Laurie O'Conner
Bryan Pelligrini
Gayle Romano

Kim Ruggiero
Jackie Schoen
Maureen Scully
Roseann Simoncini
Emmett Sullivan
Kevin Sweet

Katie Ward
Nigel Wolfe
Sue Wood
Mike Young

This list is those I have not seen any reference to on the blog. If I put an asterisk next to their name, it means at the ten year reunion their whereabouts were unknown.

Debbie Allo
Gary Anderson *
Scott Barden *
Frank Bentrewicz
Thomas Bernard *

John Bibisi *
Barbara Blomquist
Sherry Burness
Belinda Bush
Debra Cahill

Vincent Calabrese
Dawn Carmody
Catherine Champion *
Lisa Cicoli
Danielle Coates

Roger Crandall
Robert Crane
Kim Creem
George Cuomo
Rich Curulla *
Lynn D'Amato

Diana Dart
Rob Denoto
Janine Dione
Daniel Doerr
Amy Duenkel

Paul Duenkel
Michael Eaton
Joe Emack
Marc Erice *

Matt Euskolitz
Peter Fillion (Deceased)
Jennifer Fritz
John Gallagher
John Galligan

Sam Gaston *
Angie Gibbons
Frank Giordano *
Marc Giovine
Joe Goberman

Frank Griswold
Tina Guidi
Jeanette Guilloty
Jason Hall
Celeste Hatch

Eric Heiney
Joseph Hoehl *
Wendy Hoyt
Paul Irvine
Robert Jenkins

William Johnson *
Lynn Kately
Nicolle Kellerman
Chris Kelly
Charlie Kendle
Jessie Keiffer

Jennifer Lankarge
Patty Layte
Jason Lee
Chris Lyons
Steve Malone

Jeff Mangler
Jennifer McCarron
Melanie McNeill
Ann Millette
Todd Muller
Marybeth Murphy *

Heather Nedovich
Thomas Nerkowski
Paul Neumann *
Laura Niezelski
Art Novarro

Brent Oliver *
Sue Philbrick
Jeff Piner
Ginger Ramos
Linda Rand
Liz Rand *

Annette Rathburn *
Danny Regan
Charles Reid
Dawn Reynolds
Dawn Royea

Ross Ryerson
Tanya Santamaria
Bill Scalzo
Doug Semple
Deborah Sorenson

Lisa Spezziale
Sue St Pierre
Todd Steward
Greg Swan
Dave Swanson

Kelly Tamm
Lorraine Teague
Peter Terenzio
Lisa Thibodeau
Lisa Thomas

Lisa Tolman
Christine Tomczyk
Rebecca Tuscano
Robert Valenti
Lisa Valois

Sue Varaitis
Karl Weiss
Tammy Winninger
Esther Woodbridge
Casey Yerman

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Song List

Hi Everyone. I was asked to get this rolling (since I brought it up!) and with some great leads from Kim (thanks) I compiled this list of songs for the DJ. If you feel a need to add anything please do so. Thanks, Dan.


Billy Idol – Mony Mony
The Cult – She Sells Sanctuary
REM – It’s the End of the World as we know it.
INXS – New Sensation
Paul Young – Every Time You go Away

INXS – Need You Tonight
Queen – Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Oingo Boingo – Dead Man’s Party
Police – Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Thompson Twins – Hold Me Now

Buggles – Video Killed the Radio Star
Psychedelic Furs – Love My Way
Def Leppard – Pour Some Sugar on Me
Def Leppard – Rock Rock (till you drop)
Journey – Faithfully

Journey – Only the Young
Flock of Seagulls – I Ran
Simple Minds – Don’t You Forget About Me
Elvis Costello – Every Day I Write the Book
New Order – Blue Monday

The Clash – London Calling
Violent Femmes – Blister in the Sun
The Ramones – I Wanna be Sedated
The Ramones – Blitzkrieg Bop
Poison – Talk Dirty to Me

Poison – Nothin But a Good Time
The Scorpions – No One Like You
Foreigner – Feels Like the First Time
Foreigner – Hot Blooded
Eagles – Take it Easy

Whitesnake – Slide it in
Whitesnake – Is This Love
The Smiths – How Soon is Now
The Cure – Why Can’t I Be You
Van Halen – Panama

Tears for Fears – Shout
Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence
Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus
Madonna – Crazy for You
The Go-Go’s – We Got the Beat

Men at Work – Who Can it be Now
Men at Work – Down Under
Prince – When Doves Cry
Billy Joel – Piano Man
Billy Joel – Still Rock and Roll to Me

Survivor – Eye of the Tiger
Bangles – Walk Like an Egyptian
Blondie – Call Me
Blondie – The Tide is High
Rick Springfield – Jessie’s Girl

B-52’s – Love Shack
Simply Red – If You Don’t Know Me by Now
99 Luftbaloons – Nena
Rolling Stones – Start Me Up
U2 – I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
Cyndi Lauper – Time After Time
U2 – Gloria

Steve Miller Band – Take the Money and Run
Phil Collins – Easy Lover
Phil Collins – One More Night
Genesis – Land of Confusion
ZZ Top – My Head’s in Mississippi

ZZ Top – Tube Snake Boogie
Styx – Come Sail Away
Styx – Babe
Run DMC – It’s Tricky
Quiet Riot – Come on Feel the Noize

Quiet Riot – Metal Health
Neil Diamond – Girl You’ll be a Woman Soon
Neil Diamond – Cherry Cherry
Bon Jovi – Runaway
Bon Jovi – I’ll be there for You

Duran Duran – Wild Boys
Duran Duran – Union of the Snake
Elton John – Crocodile Rock
Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Bryan Adams – Summer of 69

Chicago – Hard to Say I’m Sorry
Shannon – Let the Music Play
Donna Summer – Bad Girls
Donna Summer – Hot Stuff
Air Supply – All out of Love

AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long
Aerosmith – Dude (Looks Like a Lady)
Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
Beastie Boys – No Sleep Till Brooklyn

Beastie Boys – You’ve Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party
Twisted Sister – We’re Not Gonna Take It

Song List!

List of Songs for the DJ

Ok folks this was my suggestion (to make a list), and with some great input from Kim (thanks) I got this rolling. Anyway this list should be ample but in the meantime if there is anything you'd like to add or whatnot, please add a comment to the blog. Enjoy!


Billy Idol – Mony Mony
The Cult – She Sells Sanctuary
REM – It’s the End of the World as we know it.
INXS – New Sensation
Paul Young – Every Time You Go Away

INXS – Need You Tonight
Queen – Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Oingo Boingo – Dead Man’s Party
Police – Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Thompson Twins – Hold Me Now

Buggles – Video Killed the Radio Star
Psychedelic Furs – Love My Way
Def Leppard – Pour Some Sugar on Me
Def Leppard – Rock Rock (till you drop)
Journey – Faithfully

Journey – Only the Young
Flock of Seagulls – I Ran
Simple Minds – Don’t You Forget About Me
Elvis Costello – Every Day I Write the Book
New Order – Blue Monday

The Clash – London Calling
Violent Femmes – Blister in the Sun
The Ramones – I Wanna be Sedated
The Ramones – Blitzkrieg Bop
Poison – Talk Dirty to Me

Poison – Nothin But a Good Time
The Scorpions – No One Like You
Foreigner – Feels Like the First Time
Foreigner – Hot Blooded
Eagles – Take it Easy

Whitesnake – Slide it in
Whitesnake – Is This Love
The Smiths – How Soon is Now
The Cure – Why Can’t I Be You
Van Halen – Panama

Tears for Fears – Shout
Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence
Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus
Madonna – Crazy for You
The Go-Go’s – We Got the Beat

Men at Work – Who Can it be Now
Men at Work – Down Under
Prince – When Doves Cry
Billy Joel – Piano Man
Billy Joel – Still Rock and Roll to Me

Survivor – Eye of the Tiger
Bangles – Walk Like an Egyptian
Blondie – Call Me
Blondie – The Tide is High
Rick Springfield – Jessie’s Girl

B-52’s – Love Shack
Simply Red – If You Don’t Know Me by Now
99 Luftbaloons – Nena
Rolling Stones – Start Me Up
U2 – I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
Cyndi Lauper – Time After Time
U2 – Gloria

Steve Miller Band – Take the Money and Run
Phil Collins – Easy Lover
Phil Collins – One More Night
Genesis – Land of Confusion
ZZ Top – My Head’s in Mississippi

ZZ Top – Tube Snake Boogie
Styx – Come Sail Away
Styx – Babe
Run DMC – It’s Tricky
Quiet Riot – Come on Feel the Noize

Quiet Riot – Metal Health
Neil Diamond – Girl You’ll be a Woman Soon
Neil Diamond – Cherry Cherry
Bon Jovi – Runaway
Bon Jovi – I’ll be there for You

Duran Duran – Wild Boys
Duran Duran – Union of the Snake
Elton John – Crocodile Rock
Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Bryan Adams – Summer of 69

Chicago – Hard to Say I’m Sorry
Shannon – Let the Music Play
Donna Summer – Bad Girls
Donna Summer – Hot Stuff
Air Supply – All out of Love

AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long
Aerosmith – Dude (Looks Like a Lady)
Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
Beastie Boys – No Sleep Till Brooklyn

Beastie Boys – You’ve Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party
Twisted Sister – We’re Not Gonna Take It

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hi everyone from Debbie Harris (Lutch)

I'll see if this works - like most of you this blogging is new to me. So, I heard about this site and have been having such a fun time reading through and seeing photos. I didn't actually graduate with you since I moved from Clinton in our sophomore year out to the wild west of Oklahoma. Since I still consider Clinton my home town (and still have family there; my mom is in Clinton and my oldest brother Bill lives with his family in Westbrook) and you guys the ones I essentially grew up with, I gotta say I am a Morgan Husky at heart and not an Edmond Bulldog (Edmond High in Edmond, OK).

I attended Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ after graduating and got a degree in Biology. I got a job with the US Forest Service and moved to Payson, AZ where I eventually got married and had my two kids: Sarah and Jack - Sarah is now 9 and Jack is about to turn 8. Since then I have moved back to Flagstaff and now work for Grand Canyon National Park as an environmental planner. I've been divorced about 4 years now, but thankfully my ex and I have a good relationship and things go pretty smoothly. The kids and I love to hike and camp and explore the southwest - I have to say that I miss the east coast and the water but I have gotten very used to sunshine and big open sky out here!

I don't know for sure if I can swing a trip back to Clinton for the reunion, but I wanted to say hello to everyone and tell you how great it is to hear how about everyone!

Here's a photo of Sarah, Jack and I on the North Rim of the Canyon this past summer. If anyone wants to email directly, I'd love to hear from you at